Discover Art in Overland Park
Discover Art in Overland Park
Overland Park’s Public Art Master Plan guides when, where and what type of art will be installed. Enjoy the art and sculpture collection as you walk, run, cycle and drive in Overland Park.
Internationally renowned sculptor and Olathe resident Kwan Wu approached the City of Overland Park in 2010 about establishing a location for a US-Chinese cultural exchange sculpture collection.
The City Council agreed to accept and host the collection in temporary space at the Arboretum until a permanent home could be developed on the site.
Chinese artists and benefactors contributed the art. The International Sculpture Foundation funded the shipment of the sculptures from China and the cultural exchange activities held when they were installed at the Arboretum from 2011 to 2013.
To tour the collection, begin your walk just south of the EEVC. There are 25 pieces to view.