The ARFOP Mission Extends to Germany

A note from the Foundation’s Board President, Phil Bressler:

On behalf of the entire ARFOP organization, I was fortunate enough to join the City of Overland Park delegation in late August to visit our sister city, Bietigheim-Bissingen, located just outside of Stuttgart, Germany. The primary purpose of the trip was to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the formal sister city relationship between our two cities. As the ARFOP representative, I also viewed it as my mission to explore and learn more about their cultural endeavors related to parks and public art. The highlights and key takeaways are below:

Dieter Kranzlein

We visited the home and studio of this world-renowned artist. The City of Overland recently broke ground on the new Bietigheim-Bissingen Park located at 159th and Quivira. Thanks to the efforts of ARFOP and the Friends of Overland Park Arts, we will be commissioning the creation of a Kranzlein sculpture. He is very excited about the collaboration, and he is eager to get started.

Art in Architecture

Sure their city is much older than Overland Park, but I was reminded how architecture can be art. There is a great sense of design both in the old and new buildings, and even little things such as retail store signs were artistic unto themselves. Perhaps we can be intentional and incorporate art into the everyday versus just accepting the status quo.

Art in Parks

I realized we have a lot in common with the cities we visited along our journey. Sculpture and art were prevalent in almost every park and throughout the city. Some rather industrial areas were also enhanced with pieces of modern art – fitting in with the environment yet bringing more life and vibrancy to the area. This was particularly true in Pforzheim, Germany – where an old natural gas storage tank has been converted into a 360-degree, immersive museum.

The Sound of Music

OK, so that’s technically Austria, but I was very impressed with the music school in Bietigheim-Bissingen. Our sister city relationship began with an exchange of music programs between B-B music school and Shawnee Mission South High School. The school modernizes a very old building giving it a sense of the timeless impact and benefits of music with contemporary enhancements that make it place where you want to be (and practice!). I also learned most, if not all the renovation, was funded by private donors – perhaps this school can serve as inspiration for us!


And I’d be remiss if I didn’t comment on the people we met on this trip. From members of our own delegation to sister city representatives from England, France, Hungary and Argentina to our gracious hosts in Germany – I was once again reminded that we share so much more in common than not. It was clear humanity still cares about their cities, their culture, their families, and meeting new friends along the way. Danke, ARFOP for the experience of a lifetime.

Phil Bressler,

ARFOP Board President